
Möbelfakta is an industry developed Swedish certification system that provides guidance in three areas: Quality, Environment and Social responsibility.


Möbelfakta is an industry developed Swedish certification system that provides guidance in three areas: Quality, Environment and Social responsibility. Möbelfakta's environmental requirements are based on criteria from the Swedish Environmental Control Council (Miljöstyrrådet). The technical requirements are based on established European and international standards (EN and ISO). The requirements of social responsibility are based on the principles of the United Nations Code of Conduct. Möbelfakta criteria are continuously reviewed in order to constantly maintain the highest possible and latest standards. Möbelfakta will give the customer safety and insurance that the products are produced in a sustainable way. Our Products Arc, Cap, Collar, Colo Chair, Ell, Facile, Front, Hygge, Kamón Dinner, Kanecct, Kaz, Locus Pedestal table and Table, Meander, Milo, Ondulé, Part, Pivå, Press, Ray, Ridå, Rollo, Sander Conference, Sander Lounge, Shell stool, Shell chair, Study, Slope, Taverna, Tailor and Woodwork are now certified according to Möbelfakta.